Flexi-HAL EST Breakout PCBA
Flexi-HAL EST Breakout PCBA
Expatria Technologies Flexi-HAL breakout boards.
These simple boards were developed with community feedback to make it easier to manage the wiring of a machine. These are meant to connect to the RJ45 connectors on the FlexiHAL controller. Three breakouts are included:
1) The user switch breakout has pushbuttons and LEDs integrated for RUN, HOLD and HALT. In addition the DOOR signal is present on the board in the case that the breakout is mounted to the machine enclosure.
2) The limit breakout has four axis limits, plus the two inputs for PROBE and TOOL. This is the most recent version of the design that has better compatibility with probes that have sub-optimal contact resistance.
3) The small triangular encoder breakout exposes the high-speed inputs from the encoder interface on the Flexi-HAL. These can for example be used as auxiliary inputs with M66 codes. The breakout includes a differential transmitter to ensure the best possible signal integrity at high switching rates.
For complete documentation on this OSHW design, see this Github repository:
Some 3d printed enclosures for the breakouts are posted to this Github repository:
Some examples of the community enclosures are shown in photos here, but this sale does not include any 3d printed parts. Only the 3 PCB assemblies are included.
Each BOB is also available separately:
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Shipping will be calcuated at checkout. Products are warranted for defects in manufacturing. As per OSHW license, no warranty of fitness for purpose is expressed or implied.
170mm x 135mm x 60mm
Open Source Hardware
This board is distributed under the terms of the CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - S. We guarantee that your board will be free from manufacturing defects, but otherwise it is provided 'as is.' Please review the design files and make sure that it meets your needs.
Support is provided primarily through our Discord Server: